Thanks for checking out the R.E.C.O class page. This class is focused on low manpower and rural engine company functions many departments are faced with every day. We run this class as a two-day series. One three-hour session of a lecture/PowerPoint and a full day of hands-on training. If your venue is capable of live fire, we incorporate this as well.
The R.E.T. lecture focal points
Low Manpower decision making and scene management.
Importance of pre-planning
Culture within the department
Rig innovations to assist with manpower issues.
Building your rig for success
Positional Firefighting in Rural America
Hose Loads
Water Supply
Incident Command Decision
Auto Aid
Hands On Layout
Single person Forcible Entry
Progressive Engine Driver
Incident Command Decision Making (LIVE)
Gloved Mask Up's
Minuteman Deployment
Live Scenarios using your equipment in a rural setting
What do we need from your department?
Acquired Structure/ Training Building
Your Apparatus (2 Engines/Tanker/Support Units
Classroom with PowerPoint Capabilities (HDMI Hookup)
Pricing Dependent on number of students and live fire or no live fire
Registration Options
PFTC can hold an open registration process for any students to register through the PFTC website and pay PFTC with you hosting the venue site.
In house or in county registration where you (the hosting department) pay the one-time class fee for all the students to PFTC directly where the students attend for free.
Contact us by email if your department is interested in hosting this class!
We're looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.